Walk Michigan

Walk Michigan encourages community residents to utilize local parks and trails to increase physical activity and improve physical and mental health. 
Parks and trails have a key role to play in increasing physical activity among community members. Not only will physical activity programming in the great outdoors help prevent obesity and reduce the incidence of chronic medical conditions, it also has been shown to improve mental health and reduce stress. In addition to the benefits of physical activity, mere exposure to nature has been shown to increase ability to cope with life stressors, increase self-esteem, enhance capacity to pay attention, and lead to greater life satisfaction.
Walk Michigan is a program that will run for the whole month of July in celebration of Parks and Recreation month!
Participants are encouraged to walk at local parks or in your neighborhood at your leisurely time. You will be able to record your daily step log on the link provided below. 


Parks with walking paths:
Spindler Park                   19400 Stephens
Huron Park                       18605 Frazho
Veterans Memorial            27325 Barkman
Free Form Shape