
Our Center is a place for you to stay active and meet other seniors in our community. We offer a wide variety of events, classes, and activities for you to stay engaged and connected. If you are a senior who resides in Eastpointe or Roseville and are 50 and over, we would love to meet you. Our mission is to offer a comprehensive array of unique activities and services that promote socialization and healthy aging. Our schedule includes daily, weekly, and monthly activities as well as special events and travel opportunities. Here is a list of some of our current activities:
  • Exercise Classes - stretch for life, chair yoga, line dance, zumba gold, cubii
  • Fitness Center
  • Pickleball
  • Special Events/ Theme Parties
  • Breakfast Club/ Smoothie Cafe
  • Games/Cards - euchre, pinochle, crazy rummy, bid whist, train dominoes
  • Travel Opportunities - day and extended trips
  • Fun Bingo
  • Coloring for Adults
  • Wii Bowling
  • Sit N' Knit/ Crochet
  • Computer Room
  • Walking in the gymnasium
  • Stroke Survivors Support Group
  • Billiards Room/ Pool Tournaments
  • Workshops and Seminars
  • Craft/ Art Classes
  • Let's Talk Michigan
  • Blood Pressure Testing
  • Dining Senior Style
The best resource for finding out what's happening at the Center is our Bi-Monthly newsletter. This publication can be picked up in the lobbies of the Recreation Authority Center, is available online (see link below) or if you would like to receive a copy by mail, a fee of $8.00 for 12 issues which is payable at the Senior Activities Office. 

If you have questions regarding services available or would like a complete list of scheduled activities, please contact the Senior Activities Office at (586) 777-7177. Please consider joining us for fun and friendship! 

For a copy of the current copy of the newsletter: CLICK HERE
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